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Desks for BNPS & Water at the Messiah Ambassadors House Restored.

Shalom to you Co-laborers in the Great Commission, I prayer and hope that this missive finds you well in Yeshua.

Heavy snow in western MA

Here in Western Massachusetts, we are buried in the snow. Berkshire county is literally shut down. There is at least 4ft of snow and counting sitting in my yard and everywhere else in New England with variant degrees of precipitation and intensity. This is the first biggest one in winter of 2023.


Bringing Missions report to you from the Republic of South Sudan has always a mutual treasure of your feedback and encouragement to us here in the ministry during testing and trying times. Every time I start my News report with Shalom and thanking you for your generosity and prayer partnership, I truly mean it. Because your encouragement and notes of confidents and prayers give us the courage to press on with this work, solemnly done by faith though the support of those God’s has raised to co-laborer with us in this work.


A couple of days ago, I was going through some spiritual trial. Through it all, the Lord directed me to go over some correspondences which I received from benefactors and prayer partners who shared their thoughts about what they think and believe God is doing through ONMI.


Encouragement & exhortation letters to ONMI and staff from benefactors:

“Dear Friends of Nehemiah Missions enclosed is my gift for Operation Nehemiah Missions to be used where needed most. Iam amazed by what God has accomplished through your ministry. You have been obedient and many of us are blessed because we believe in what you are doing as God direct you for his Kingdom. May He continue to protect guide and bless you. In Jesus Name, yours, Marlene.


“Shalom William, I hope you’re doing well. Thanks so much for the pictures. It’s so adorable to see the children helping with the benches. Precious! Have a blessed week.” R. Cahn – Hope of the World


".... When we are following Christ and doing His will we are blessed and a blessing. Then the unhappy enemy breaks in to drag us down. However, Christ in us is greater, and as we stay the course the enemy is put to shame and God receives greater glory by our persistent faith & service. I've heard this described as "move & countermove," as the Lord and Satan oppose each other (knowing the Lord always prevails"). Blessings, YSIY Jeanne


“Your instruction and encouragement in all the areas you described, to build on what has already been done through money received from outside sources toward independence and profitability is so wise, and your strong leadership is an important part of realizing those goals. Hudson Taylor once said something to the effect that the hand cannot go forward unless the arm supporting it goes forward. In effect, we have been honored to be such an arm reaching forward in support of the hands (and feet) on the ground in South Sudan. It’s all from Him and unto Him, isn’t it? We will join you in prayer for the hard work outlined in your letter to ministry leaders to be implemented with diligence and good reward for their labor.” Blessings, YSIY Jeanne


“Please don't be discouraged, God can work all things all things out for your good and His glory even the things that seem so impossible.” K. G.


Bethlehem- Borongole, Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan: But Jesus said, suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven Matthew 19:4

Operation Nehemiah Missions is pleased to announce that the Bethlehem Primary and Nursery School received your financial support to build 44 school desks to furnish and equip the newly built elementary School Building with desks to meet the academic needs of students who have been attending the school since 2021. Before the arrival of these desks, most of the students had been sitting on the bare floor or on the hard blocks to serve as chairs. Nonetheless their situation has improved from my time growing up.


BNPS’ main building is built up to operational standard, we are just about to move the plan to the construction of the Nursery school building itself. However, there is internal work which is required to bring the main building up to standard. The school desk is one of those items we have been working on.

The Messiah Ambassadors House, Kerepi Mutala EE South Sudan: the Future of home to ONMI’s Polytechnic Institute looks brighter and promising. The future home of ONMI Polytechnic Institute mission compound, received full restoration of water system which was destroy the war to the entire mission compound to operational state this week, thank to your generosity for underwriting to the renovation cost.


While the construction of BNPS facility is ongoing, and its academic calendar is rolling out, we are also simultaneously engaged in restoration of the Messiah Ambassadors House to launch ONMI’s Polytechnic Institute getting it up and running in the next three months. This is where we need your prayer and support. Our appreciation again goes out to each one of you who have partaken in this work through your benevolent financial backing to under write the restoration initiative of this property. We also want to extend our appreciation to our field leadership, notably ONMI Country Director Timothy Levi for assembling technical crew to restore the water system there the Messiah Ambassador's House. Our appreciation also goes to you Ambassador John Anduga and the Modesto's family for contributing their properties to the work of ONMI.


We can now extend water to the entire property and set water tap outside for community to draw water for themselves. The water established here will be a testimony throughout Kerepi Payam and the entire Pageri administrative area of Magwi County that ONMI and the Nile Beth Israel Messianic congregation is transforming the community for God. It will supply the need of the whole community in Kerepi Mutala who do not have adequate water source. This is truly a team effort thanks to our benefactors, prayer partners and fields staff who are implementing the plan. Slowly but surely, we are doing it by His grace.

This gives some background. My personal journey and love for education growing up in South Sudan.

I grew up in the pioneering village in the highland region of Beth Israel’s Akko Mts and Opari Nyakanigwa in Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan as wells as in exile in the wilderness of Atyak in northern Uganda back in the seventies and the early 80s. In the 70s and the 80s, I went to an elementary school, junior secondary school and secondary school which were quite different from the one we have built for these children with your benevolent support in 2021.

It was quite a humble beginning and that was where all my dreams of doing thing with purpose for God and mankind started. My parents simply knew that God has an unfolding plan for my life. I excelled in the knowledge of the Bible, Math, Sciences, History, Geography and English. There was no academic subject I did not like, skirted around or fail. I just naturally love learning and taking challenges under pressure. All this enthusiasm and love for learning came as inspiration to me in small things, living in the village without any TV or radio.

Our generation was not forced to learn, we just loved learning, I think because our parents set the example for us. Their entire lives were based on the process of learning news thing better themselves. If they didn’t, they couldn’t eat. So, we had expected us to learn in obedience and grow in wisdom and in stature. With fellow students we taught ourselves beyond classrooms. Our school building was rectangular in shape with a thatch roof, split up into 3 rooms with muddy walls, and dusty floor and one borehole in the compound. Our desks were nothing, but a wooden bench (a cylindrical pole) suspended between two or three forks anchored on the ground. The bench sat 4 students’ boys and girls. A we report school every morning, we lined up in front of our class doors, we conducted prayers, did some drilling exercise and went to our respective classes. in the class in front of us as always was the blackboard painted on a wall, a teacher and chalk to teach the class. That was it.

Our library and homework were done on the smooth surfaces of flat rocks on the side of the mountain by my grandfather’s house where boys got together after school and quizzed each other and did our homework. Encouraged by our parents and legal guardians we excelled in learning. Sometimes the school master on duty gave us permission to use the blackboard to practice doing homework. There was no TV or radio to disrupt studies. Once done, you went and helped your parents with goat herding or gardening and you went to worship on Sundays.

After school, we practiced Bible quiz, Math, sciences, Geography, history, and English tutoring each other in subjects we were taught to review at home. It was a school run by parents, teachers, and church leaders. As students we did our share of faming school setting. The school had a farm managed by students. Every Friday was Physical education Day for art and crafting and farming. Students run the gardens where we grew our own food to eat during school hours. We grew every kind of vegetable for ourselves and harvested them for ourselves. Now in Remember, the saying “less is more. “I couldn’t despite the humble beginning because it was there under those thatched roofed buildings, we received the best of education. This is the exact experience I want to bring to Bethlehem Primary School & ONMI polytechnic institute.

Help me to give them the same education I had growing up

Recently I was asked by some of our co-laborers and prayer partners about restructuring the school and students for technical training which requires a lot of technical background. What will the academic outlook look like in respect to rigorous academic vocational training? Do we have technical background?

From my upbringing and education, I have received, both spiritual and technical academic, driven background. We can manage these two schools up to the best standard of education needed for the school in South Sudan.

After finishing elementary and junior secondary school in the village I attended Comboni Secondary school in Juba in the 80s. When the war broke out in the Sudan due to Islamic persecution I left for the USA. In 1988 and from 1989-1992, I was admitted in Community college and engineering school in NJ where I received associate degree in computer science in Essex County college and Manufacturing engineering degree from New Jersey Institute of Technology both in Newark, NJ, USA.

Arriving here in the USA with nothing but tenaciously persevered through it all, God helped me finish my academic majors with great success. I want to bring those success to run the school. In my senior year at Essex County college, I was hired part time to manage Robotic driven CAD/CAM/CNC laboratory equipment for the entire engineering department. I was so good in programing Robotic and CAD/CAM/CNC in the college labs doing prototype machining of parts etc. and got $10/hour pay for it. I was integrating all these machines to design and build a quality prototype quality product for demos.

I got a scholarship and transferred to NJIT as a Junior to perfect my specificalities in Robotic engineering, computer aided design/manufacturing and computer Numerical control (CNC) and Quality Control. There at NJIT my professors for mechanical and electrical engineering courses used to wonder about my academic background prior to coming to USA. In part, they knew I came from Sudan a war torn country where children were deprived from basic education as war displace their parents from place to place, what could motive student in my caliber, having no prior knowledge yet excelling in these specialized fields?

They wanted to find out if I had prior knowledge in computers, electronics or was exposed to applied engineering school in my upbringing.? I said no. None of that. I only had solid foundation in Math, Physic and Chemistry, biology, history, Geography, Biblical world view and English. With that you can fit anywhere in the world if you apply yourself. When I was young a boy, we used to farm, herd goats, build toy cars, bicycles out of mud, and straws from sorghum stems and we practiced archery and fishing, swimming and distance running on barefoot. This is a milestone in the making because when these children returned from exile to take hold of their country in 2021, there was nothing to begin with. But they had faith and hope that God will answer their/ and our prayers and bring the school desk. ONMI’s Country Director Pastor Timothy Levi and the school headmaster, Christopher Anyama have expressed their love and appreciation to you on behalf of the students and teachers.


It is not post Christian America but it is the re-paganization of the USA

USA – From the mouth of a sitting US President Joe Biden Condemns “Sinful” Anti-trans Laws in Daily Show Interview: You can’t make this up or ignore it. Calling Good deed sinful and Evil deed righteous, the height of deception is here folks from the White House. These are the last days “Acharit-hayamim” we live in. You can see it and feel it! The re-paganization of the USA & the rest of Judeo- Christian western world is here. Believers in Yeshua (Christians) are shut down in the family, in the social media, in academia, in sports, in the church, in the economic and political arena. They are vilified and hunted down for living out their faith, family and freedom in truth & in righteousness of God. The context is set, and the battle lines are drawn: And there is the ugly face of global antisemitism all working in concert effort to repaganize the west.

As you know, those who attack the Jews also attack Christians because of the Binding power of the Biblical truth summed up in Yeshua. Acts 4: 12 The spiritual warfare is raging on 1000 fronts. There is not a middle ground. Forty four states across the USA are fighting back introducing legislation to stop diabolical ideology from the pit of hell. These are truly the last days Apostle Paul warned “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.” 2 Timothy 3: 1-10

Consequences coldness toward God: Cultural decay

b) 4,000% Explosion in Kids Identifying as Transgender, Docs Perform ...The spike has fueled a UK investigation into the increase in children seeking to transition to the opposite sex. Officials will investigate the role of social media in encouraging children to ...

c) A group of at least 1,000 migrants rushed the Paso Del Norte bridge linking Mexico to the U.S. in El Paso, Texas, on Sunday, to gain access into the United States, video shows.

News from Israel:

Israel, TPS News: Netanyahu on Protests: Opposition Wants to ‘Overthrow the Elected Government’

Prayer needs:

March - April 2023 Budget: we put out the general needs of the mission encompassing the following projects:

1- The medical Department - $30,000

2- The nursery school under construction along with the teacher’s quarters and students’ bathroom. Budget - 51,000,

3- The Messiah Ambassador House restoration project - $25,000

4- General Mission USA office - $33,500

5- General mission South Sudan - $10,000. General Mission USA office - $33,500.

6- General mission South Sudan - $10,000.

7- Grant total: $ 170,000. _ Raised $52,000

8- Balance total: $118,400.

Thank for your support and prayers for my upcoming mission trip to the South Sudan: Your donations are tax deductible and online donations can be made at Checks can be sent to Operation Nehemiah Missions PO Box 563 Landsborough, MA 01237. Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness. May God bless you and keep you.

In His Grace, Founder and Overseer, William Levi


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