Contrasting challenges & God’s provision in real time
Shalom to you my dear brother and sister in Yeshua. Today is July 207h, we are 4 days away from the end of July. Tonight, we are going to have Jim Schneider the Executive Director of VCY America/ Cross Talk Radio Christian based in Milwaukee, WI on NTCBN Broadcasting network Live. You can watch us right here. VCY America a nationally syndicated Christian radio station has been a co-laboring in South Sudan and South Sudan for the cause of the Great Commission at least for 24 years through expanding Gospel Radio Broadcasting.

Jim and I at NTB conference- Feb. 2020
South Sudan- ONMI
In South Sudan, the current news is overly exciting. Iam so excited to share with you that the children have returned t resume their second semester at the Bethlehem Primary school. We were anticipating steadfastly to their return and so far, the rate of the returning of the student is impressed, more children were dropped off by their parents to start at the second semester and move forward is mind boggling. Even parents from Juba, Nimule and Torit are bringing their children to be educated at our Mission school, that is because of your financial support.
Contrasting real challenges and witnessing God’s provision for his people in real time through faith that move mountains.
Dormitories electrified.

Bunkbeds manufactured right at ONMI mission center

Off-loading consignment of mattresses

elementary school children receiving their mattresses

When the children returned, to the school, they were surprised by what they have found waiting for them. They left for vacation without light, now their school is electrified. They left sleeping on mats on the floor, they return to find new mattresses and bunkbeds built by ONMI technician and welder right in the mission compound. They left without knowing when will the construction of their new school building start, they returned to hear that, the construction will be starting next week. They left when the garden produce was not yet totally ready, they returned to find out that the field they had helped cultivated and the tomatoes, and the eggs plant, that they took part in planting are now ready for consumption and marketing. They left for holiday, and they were told, their only tractor responsibly for opening the farmland and raise food to feed the students, was falling apart, they are now returning to hear that a brand-new tractor is going to be in the Farm within the next few days.
Tomatoes harvesting




Jerusalem, 22 July, 2021 (TPS) -- For the first time since 2002, Israel has rejoined the African Union, a significant diplomatic achievement. Aleligne Admasu, Israeli Ambassador to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, submitted his charter as an observer to the African Union on Thursday. The African Union, “for an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa,” is the largest and most important organization in the African continent and its members are all the 55 countries of the African continent.

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid stated that “this is a holiday for Israel-Africa relations. It will help us strengthen our activities vis-à-vis the continent and vis-à-vis the member states of the organization.” Israel has relations with 46 countries in Africa, in the framework of which many and varied collaborations are conducted in the fields of development, trade and aid.
Jerusalem, 20 July, 2021 (TPS) -- Israel’s leadership across the political spectrum reacted with anger to Ben & Jerry’s announcement that it was ending its contract to produce ice cream in the Jewish state in a move to end the sale of its ice cream in “occupied Palestine.” Ben & Jerry’s announced Monday that it was ending sales in Israel as “we believe it is inconsistent with our values for Ben & Jerry’s ice cream to be sold in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.” “We have informed our licensee that we will not renew the license agreement when it expires at the end of next year,” the company said.

Avi Zinger, the Israeli license owner, refused Ben and Jerry’s demand to end the Israeli company’s sale of its product in Judea and Samaria. Ben & Jerry’s in Israel announced that it will continue to sell the Israeli-produced ice cream throughout Israel and will not succumb to the pressure and boycott by Unilever and the global Ben & Jerry’s. “Ice cream is not part of politics,” the company said. Yossi Dagan, head of the Samaria Regional Council, stated that Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria “will exist long after Ben & Jerry’s ice cream melts and disappears from the world.”
United States:
Family Research Council strongly supports Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Acts, legislation that ensures that infants who survive abortion receive the same standard of medical care that would be rendered to any other newborn.
The fact that abortion survivors exist is becoming much more widely known. As of 2020, at least 203 infants in five states are known to have been born alive following an abortion attempt. As of 2021, only nine states require any sort of reporting of these cases and not all share the collected data publicly. Therefore, concrete statistics are difficult to find, but anecdotal evidence (such as the trial of infamous abortionists Kermit Gosnell, the undercover video expose of Planned Parenthood, and the callous argument of Virginia Governor Ralph Northam) suggests that the actual number of abortion survivors in the United States is likely much higher.

USA - the Life of our children in the cross road
Family Research Council actively recommends and supports the Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act. One's sex is never "assigned at birth"; it is always objective and observable by time of birth. Propagating an ideology of fluid sexuality not only undermines a scientific understanding of human anatomy but also damages the lives of the next generation. The staggering growth of transgenderism has left children vulnerable to life-altering procedures such as puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and irreversible surgeries. These unscientific, destructive gender transition procedures should not be allowed to interrupt the development of children and irreversibly alter their bodies. The SAFE Act addresses this critical need.

Key Points:
"Gender transition" is an experiment; no "treatment" can change a person's genetic composition, and no studies have demonstrated long-term benefits.
The government should not force taxpayers to fund it, insurers to cover it, or children to be subjected to it.
The SAFE Act also provides legal remedies for minors who have been permanently disfigured and/or sterilized.
NTCBN Live Tonight
Tonight, we are going to have Jim Schneider the Executive Director of VCY America/ Cross Talk Radio Christian based in Milwaukee, WI on NTCBN Broadcasting network Live. You can watch us right here. VCY America a nationally syndicated Christian radio station has been a co-laboring in South Sudan and South Sudan for the cause of the Great Commission at least for 24 years through expanding Gospel Radio Broadcasting.
Prayers and needs for my family
ONMI staff and their families for protection of marriages, families, health, provision, wisdom and strength
July Budget is $60,000.
Raised; $18,000.00
Thank You
May God
bless you and Keep you and be gracious to you and give you His Shalom.
In His grace
And Service
William Levi, Founder & Overseer, Operation Nehemiah Missions
PO Box 563
Lanesborough, MA 01237