Appreciation: We have seen the hand of God through your benevolent support to keep us busy.
Shalom to you brothers and sisters in Yeshua,

It is my earnest my prayers and best wishes that this newsletter finds you well and your family in Yeshua. I can’t over state how instrumentally important you have been to the mission of Operation Nehemiah Missions in South Sudan and here in the USA. I want to thank God for you and for your partnership in advancing the course of the Great Commission in South Sudan. With your support we see a people and a community rising from the ashes war and destruction both spiritually and physically.

Prayers for the people of Ukraine and Russia that the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit shall prevail.
As write this Mission report, my heart aches and cry for the people of Ukraine and Russia, both Christian countries with substantial population of Jewish community who have been living in peace with one another for generation after generation. Now with brutality and an all-out war between the two countries of which Ukraine is bearing the brand of the Russian devastating invasion, it makes the aftermath of Islamic persecution in South Sudan looks small in proportion to what is taking place there because Russia is world largest country with nuclear weapon, making it practical impossible for the NATO or the US to join in the war that will trigger World War 3.
…"We love because He first loved us. If anyone says, “I love God,” but hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And we have this commandment from Him: Whoever loves God must love his brother as well." 1 John 4: 19-21If anyone says, “I love God,”but hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And we have this commandment from Him: Whoever loves God must love his brother as well." 1 John 4: 19-21
Prayer for Israel as Ukrainians Jews return homes to their ancestral land under a difficult circumstance plus prayer for USA in respect to Iranian botched nuclear deal.

Israel is now faced with influx of Ukrainian Jewish refugees seeking refuge into the Holy land in the midst of real Iranian threats and it quest to clinch a nuclear agreement with Biden administration to become a nuclear power for the sole purpose to destroy Israel. Unfortunately, this administration is carving to their demands. Therefore, the dynamic of welcoming refugees into Israel and the threat of Iranian attack is also overwhelming. This is not to mention over 2 million Ukrainians who have already fled to EU countries for refuge.
Bennett and Lapid Urge US Not to Drop Terror Designation for IRGC: ‘They Kill Jews Because they are Jews’ _ TPS News Israel
IDF Deploying Troops to Help with Ukrainian Refugees _ TPS News Israel
I can’t begin to talk about the US administration here Under the current occupant of the White House. The USA is in paralysis, heading on the wrong direction at every turn here at home and abroad. But we the redeemed cannot despair in the face of adversities. We must be on our knees and in prayer for America and God will hear our prayers. In all of this as we live in a fallen sinful world what can we say than what the Lord has promised.
Pray for American Leaders in position of power to Turn to God for direction of the country.

For the Lors says „I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation. The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone “The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad. Lord, save us! Lord, grant us success. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. From the house of the LORD, we bless you. The Lord is God, and he has made his light shine on us. With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession up[c] to the horns of the altar. You are my God, and I will praise you; you are my God, and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” Psalms 118: 24-29
Solomon asked for: "an understanding heart, discernment, and wisdom. The Lord was pleased and gave Solomon wisdom, but He also gave him what he didn’t ask for: long life, riches, and success in battle. No one before or after has been as wise as Solomon was."
National Religious Broadcasters Annual gathering, Nashville, TN, last week.
I was at NRB (National Radio Broadcasters) annual conference, Nashville, TN from March 8- 11. NRB is the largest Gathering of Christian Radio broadcasters in the world. I went there by the grace of God representing ONMI and Nehemiah Trumpet CALL Gospel Radio 97.3 FM, South Sudan and NTCBN, USA. This event was full of blessings and encouragement to meet brothers and sisters in Yeshua from all around this nation and around the world, to build up on another. "How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!" Psalms 133. I got interviewed with NTD NEWS about what is happening in South Sudan and mission of ONMI and the Chairman of the Board of NRB. We are winding the conference down today. Matthew 5: 13-15

With Founder of Answers in Genesis , Ken ham

With News Anchor of NTD New Stafenia Cox

With CEO for Truth Network

With Chairman of NRB

from left With Coordinator Of Hayoval , from Judea and Samaria Israel and to the right the founder of Agia Ministries
South Sudan Mission trip coming up: To bring you up to date, I will be traveling to South Sudan from Mid-April – Mid May 2022 to inspect and validate the work on the ground with our field staff. Please keep my family and ministry in your prayers.
Appreciation for your gift and encouragement to ONMI
Iam very grateful to report to you the impact of your generosity in the first quarter of 2022. We have seen the hand of God through your benevolent support to keep us busy and in implementing some of the most critical facets of ONMI activities on ground in South Sudan. We have resumed the construction of Bethlehem Nursery and Primary School. Our country director Pastor Timothy Levi wants to express his gratitude to you for providing the funding to finish the school construction. We thank God for you for helping us with the fund to carry on Dry season agricultural initiative for food security early on at the beginning of 2022. We are very grateful for the fund that came for medical supplies, and those for the church outreach and funding to purchase a land Cruiser for Nehemiah Trumpet Call 97.3 Fm Gospel Radio Department.

First to start with education: Bethlehem Nursery & Primary school & Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute are Private and Christian Education initiatives established as part of ONMI Core vision to teach the young generation in South Sudan Biblical worldviews to guard against evolution, UN driven social engineering, brain washing that promotes abortion and LGBTQ agenda. The school we are establishing will embrace teaching of the Biblical world view to affect every facet of live among these children. The school will keep them in their country. The school will teach them self-motivation, and industrialism. This effort will transition them to a one-year Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute after finishing elementary and secondary. It will prepare them to work with their own hands and become entrepreneurs and small business starters as opposed to looking to the government to give them everything.

Goal : Stop braining draining of the country’s youth: The school will train and keep South Sudanese skilled workers to stay in the country instead of sending them elsewhere for education but once they are done with education, they never come back. About 80 % of skilled workforce and retail industry in South Sudan is imported from either Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, or Rwanda. Bethlehem primary school and Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute will bring a balance to that that disproportionated import of skilled workforce. Entrepreneurial venture and small business startup are key to revitalization of the economy of South Sudan. South Sudan needs blue collars labor force as opposed to white collars labors force because the country is still considerably basic, and it will need to set up its basic infrastructures for the next 20 years on the strength of the blue collars. We need 6 months- one year hand on technical and vocational training polytechnic type of institutions to quickly output young people into the workforce or create their own businesses.

Food Security: So what is Operation Nehemiah doing about food security in South Sudan? Well, the Bible says if ya ain't workin', ya ain't eatin' either (not a literal translation, but you get the point). Our vision here at ONMI is to rebuild the family, the church, and the community by taking one person, one family, one church, and one community at a time for Yeshua the Messiah. Operation Nehemiah is taking action to end famine by empowering South Sudanese men to work with their own hands and sustain their families. That is the solution to stopping hunger, not a UN handout. The challenge in post-war South Sudan is to disciple men and women to understand God’s will for their lives, their families, and their land. Our goal is to dramatically reduce dependence upon imported food by encouraging families in organic farming, producing healthy food and a stable local economy.

Objectives of the Nehemiah clinic:
To improve the health status of the returnees and host communities by providing basic health care services, primary health education, water and to help and improve the basic health services of southern Sudan (Magwi county), building long term capacity through the equipment of the hospital, training, and support.
Provide Clean and Safe Water through Improved Community Participation To provide general health and sanitation education parallel to the treatment of those requiring medical attention
To expand and consolidate the provision of a comprehensive package of basic services and disease control, of acceptable quality, particularly to the population Aiming at reducing mortality and morbidity
To strengthen emergency preparedness, response, and mitigation
To build, strengthen and sustain the capacities of the institutional and human resources of the health actor.
Activities planned to reach this objective:
Recruitment and training of health staff.
Provide basic health care services- i.e. preventives, routine vaccinations, health education, pre-cures, and rehabilitation.
Procure and avail minimum initial service packages for safe child deliveries for pregnant women en-route to the hospital.
Conduct health education and disease awareness to the affected population to create demand for health services.
Provide referral services for the severe and critical medical cases to a nearest medical facility (including the provision of ambulance services for the transportation of the ill).

Nehemiah Trumpet Call 97.3 FM - received a land Cruiser for transportation to manage its broadcasting outreaches’
Is States of the art Gospel radio located at ONMI's Yerushalayim Summit on Mountain Gordon, Nimule, EE State South Sudan. The station covers South Sudan and northern Ugandan from 6 AM to 12 PM 24/7. 80 miles all around. The goal of the Radio Station is to bring the pure word of God, unsaturated, and Christ-centered to thousands of Sudanese living in internally displaced camps inside South Sudan and the refugee camps in northern Uganda. During this time, the country was still in a state of war. Most churches in South Sudan were destroyed by Islamic forces from the north who were so violently committed to destroying the church of Jesus Christ and driving the Christians into exile.

Our radio station is also serving to solve tribal prejudice among South Sudanese; we have hired multiple radio presenters from different ethnic groups to preach the word of God in their own language, which has angered many but is also bringing many to repentance and Eternal salvation across tribal divides. The Gospel messages shared on Nehemiah Trumpet Call 97.3 FM are aired in the languages of Madi (the local dialect in the area in which we work) Acholi, English, Dinka, and others. Programs include teachings on salvation by Jesus Christ alone, discipleship, stable marriages, family relationships, the roles of men and women in their homes, biblical morality, and basic health care information.
