It is Done. Amen!! Katherine Saunders and Isaac Tombe tied the knot.
Shalom. Thank you very much for your prayers and support. We are back from our three week Mission trip to South Sudan. It is Done!!! And we say Amen!! Katherine Saunders and Isaac Tombe tied the knot. When God approves it nothing can stop it. November 25th, 2017, was historic day for us in South Sudan. Hannah and I and our ground staff want to bring this Good news to you. Tombe Isaac and Katherine Saunders are now officially married as husband and wife for the Glory of God. Katherine was given away into married by her Father, Pastor Joseph Saunders of Hillsborough, NH. Considered, by Katherine Saunders as her spiritual father, I preached and brought a message for the Occasion to underscore the importance of Biblical marriage. Bishop John Juma, considered as Isaac spiritual father officiated over the wedding. Isaac's parents were in the attendance. All our six children were in the wedding party. Katherine's sister Olivia Nicole Feagler and her husband Gabriel Gabriel Feagler and their two children were in the wedding party. There were over 1000 people in attendance. The Governor of the State of Imatong, the Pageri Country Commissioner, various pastors from different churches were in the attendance. This marriage, has been a symbol of unity in the family desperately needed here in South Sudan. People from various ethnic background contributed to make this occasion successful.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac and Katherine Tombe
The bride Katherine and her Father Pastor Joseph Saunders
Katherine has been our spiritual daughter for the past two years . Hannah and I were blessed for seeing her getting married to Isaac.
The Feaglers Gabriel and Olivia, Katherine's sister and brother in law were both in the wedding party as best man and maid of honor.
Parents of the Bridegroom- Isaac Tombe
The Newly wed as you think and pray for them
The newly wed remained in South Sudan. Isaac is our Assistant County Director and Katherine is there to support his effort in the ministry as well.
Please pray for this couple as they embarked on their new life in marriage together. Isaac and Katherine Tombe made their home on Operation Nehemiah mission compound on Gordon Mountain. Their new modest two bed rooms house is completed up to 90 %. This is a gift from God to them from all of you through Operation Nehemiah. If you think of them, please remember, they still need few things to complete the house.
Prayer Needs:
1- Painting the wall
2- Tiles for the floor
3- Electrical wiring is complete except their need lighting accessories . The budget for this is $3,000. Thank you for helping us achieve these goals. If you feel that the Lord is leading you to give to our cause, you can give a tax deductible gift to Operation Nehemiah online at, or send your tax deductible contribution to Operation Nehemiah Missions PO Box 563 Lanesborough MA 01237
"How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!' "
Romans 10:13-15
In His grace,
William Levi, Founder and Overseer
Operation Nehemiah Missions
Po Box 563
Lanesborough MA 01237